修士論文・卒業論文追い込み & 今週の輪読

先週は修士論文の提出締め切りがありましたが,今週の 2/7(月)は卒業論文の提出締め切りでした.2/9, 10 には修士論文発表と卒業論文発表の練習もオンラインで実施しました.本番までにはまだまだ修正が必要ですが,もうひと頑張りです.

1983. Cosme, M., Fern√°ndez, I., Declerck, S., van der Heijden, M.G.A., and Pieterse, C.M.J. (2021). A coumarin exudation pathway mitigates arbuscular mycorrhizal incompatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol. Biol. 106: 319–334.
1984. Jia, K.-P. et al. (2021). Iso-anchorene is an endogenous metabolite that inhibits primary root growth in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 107: 54–66.
1985. Denish, P.R. et al. (2021). Discovery of a natural cyan blue: A unique food-sourced anthocyanin could replace synthetic brilliant blue. Sci. Adv. 7: eabe7871.
1986. Li, C. et al. (2021). Heat shock protein HSP24 is involved in the BABA-induced resistance to fungal pathogen in postharvest grapes underlying an NPR1-dependent manner. Front. Plant Sci. 12: 292.