授業開始 & 今週の輪読

先週から今週の初めまでは入学式やガイダンスで授業はなく,水曜日から新年度の授業が始まりました.今年度からは一部の例外を除いてほぼ全てが対面授業になりましたので,阿見キャンパスにも 2, 3 年生が戻ってきて久しぶりの賑やかな新年度開始になっています.


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2168. Ameixa, O.M.C.C., Rebelo, J., Silva, H., and Pinto, D.C.G.A. (2022). Gall midge Baldratia salicorniae Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) infestation on Salicornia europaea L. induces the production of specialized metabolites with biotechnological potential. Phytochemistry 200: 113207.
2169. Klinnawe, L., Kaewchumnong, K., and Nualtem, K. (2023). Effect of phosphorus deficiency on allelopathic activity of lowland indica rice. ScienceAsia 49: 184–191.
2170. Pires, G.H.D.C.R., Barbosa, H., Almeida, R.B.P., Lago, J.H.G., and Caseli, L. (2023). Ethanolamine phospholipids at the air-water interface as cell membranes models of microorganisms to study the nanotoxicology of sakuranetin. Thin Solid Films 770: 139768.
2171. Huang, J. et al. (2022). Enantioselective response of wheat seedlings to imazethapyr: from the perspective of fe and the secondary metabolite DIMBOA. J. Agric. Food Chem. 70: 5516–5525.